MUSIC ArchiveAbout In this section, you're going to find links to
downloadable music. At present I haven't received any official links given by
guests. So below, you're going to find a few artists' songs. If you're one of
them, and have a problem about this then sign the guest book. Please note, these
were found on or other sites.
Artist Name: Darkentide
Songs Available Other
Downloads Artist Information: Nick Pendriis Age 30, used Music and
Music 2000 when they were released, he made a compilation CD of the music
he made with them, and sent the CD to Tim Wright of Jester Interactive. He then
became a musician for Music Generator 2.
Artist Name: Bones URL:
Songs Available Other
Downloads Artist Information: Bones is a music production artist who has made
a number of tracks with Music Generator. The speciality of the artist is mixing
tracks taken from the game.
Artist Name: Mitsukai Sanran URL:
Songs Available Other
Downloads Artist Information: